Our newest Cd will be available on Itunes and all Major Download services around the Globe. You​ can also Purchase Hard Copies from The Louisiana Music Factory They ship all over the World

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We Perform Regularly @ Old Arabi Bar every First Saturday of The Month.We also Perfom Various Wedding,Parties and Functions around New Orleans and The Surrounding Area's.

We are A Band of Working Frenchmen Street and French Quarter Musicians.
Our Home is New Orleans and here is where We Ply our Trade.We have 3 full Cds of Original Music but Our Live Performances are peppered with Old New Orleans R&B.Our Influences are Diverse as our Music.From Fats Domino to Thin Lizzy.Along with Our Cd's We have about 6 Singles we have released in the Last 8 Years

300 Dana Ave. Abita Springs LA 70420 us
